Janina Arndt, Digital PR Specialist, shares insights into the chosen outreach strategy and its success:
"For Beste Online Casinos, tailoring our campaigns to their target country Germany was key, while a variety of topics helped to reach different demographics. Most successfully, we executed campaigns directly relevant to the client's niche by addressing the most popular games in Germany, such as Lotto, which achieved coverage with high traffic and visibility nationally, as well as positioning the client as an authority in their field. Spanning further trending topics such as luxury, Oktoberfest and luck, we were able to target a wide variety of outlets to increase visibility for the client in even more niches and sectors, as well as tapping into local interest in the target audience. By giving practical advice backed by in-depth datasets, such as in our campaign "The most frequently drawn lotto numbers", we were able to go further than just to interest or entertain the target audience with out pieces, but help the consumer in their leisure activities. This way, the nationwide coverage of such campaigns contributed to a positive image for our client in helping the consumer. With our overall approach, we achieved over 150 backlinks for the client as well as enhancing their brand visibility and SEO significantly."