The team at Teaching Abroad Direct approached us with concerns about the lack of leads converting to sales coming from their large AdWords campaign. They suspected that ranking highly in the organic results could drive just as equally targeted traffic without the need to constantly spend their ad budget to retain top positions. Several high-volume search terms were selected that if the site ranked highly for would allow the client to gradually rely less on PPC traffic.
When we first started working with the team at Teaching Abroad Direct, we were working on their initial website but eventually the decision was made to rebuild the site in a more SEO and user-friendly way. Our expert web design team designed and built a new site with SEO at its very core. This meant that from the launch date the site was ready to perform better in the organic results. We then audited and optimised key landing page content to ensure that the site contained content valuable to both Google and visitors. Finally, a digital PR campaign was started to earn the highest quality links and placements.
With an all-encompassing SEO strategy now in place addressing key technical and content issues and the lack of high-quality links, the site was ready to climb the search results for the high-volume keywords being targeted. The past year has seen the website go from receiving approximately 1000 organic visitors a month to just shy of 4000. This increased traffic is being driven by high converting keywords and is now an asset for the business as it reduces the need to rely on expensive PPC campaigns to drive interested searchers to the site. Number one and first page positions have been secured for the initial target keywords and many others.