Property & Estate Agent Digital PR Agency

Property & Estate Agent Digital PR Agency

Digital PR is a marketing strategy that increases your brand's online presence through media coverage and backlinks to your site, with the ultimate goal of improving your search engine results page (SERP) rankings for the keywords that matter.

A solid digital PR plan is a tried and true approach to raising brand awareness online, and when done correctly, it can be one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your company. The benefits you get from digital PR for estate agents can introduce your business to a new sector of your target audience and increase your sense of credibility.


How Reboot’s digital PR services can help estate agencies

One of the most cost-effective ways to promote your business and establish yourself as an expert in the industry is to hire an experienced SEO agency. Digital PR makes your brand accessible to the general public through gaining coverage and backlinks from unique campaigns. But not just coverage and backlinks from any site - from publications that are inherently credible. 

A digital PR campaign is a news story or study sent out on your behalf that is on brand and topical enough to be featured on high authority websites that will link back to your website as credit. 

It’s also how search engines trust your website, which means your brand and site appear when people search for your keywords. Simply put, strong digital PR allows people to learn about your business and tells them why they should trust you for property services. 

Digital PR is a vital tool to gain online visibility, establish your brand as an industry leader and develop high search rankings - these will allow you to showcase your services and stand out in the competitive estate agent market. 


The benefits of property digital PR


Increase online visibility 

Search engines like Google regard third-party links to your website as an endorsement, recognising that if other people are mentioning pages on your site, it's likely because they contain valuable information. That’s why sites that are regularly linked to from other authoritative publications appear at the top of the SERPs. 

Your brand will profit from increased visitors to your website as a result of online media coverage, in addition to the SEO benefits of digital PR. People will be directed to your website that may not have otherwise thought to check it out. From there, you can measure site activity and use future campaigns to re-target visitors.

Handpicked, tailored coverage

Our brand of digital PR allows us to focus on the coverage that matters. Rather than focusing on national sites with limited reach, we will devise a strategy to get you featured in national publications that are in line with your brand.

Our process involves reacting to trending news stories, planning out campaigns in accordance with relevant national days, and scouring media requests made by journalists, to make sure you can provide an expert comment as soon as it’s needed.

Reboot will develop tailormade media campaigns to help your company improve its online reputation, increase sales and achieve its goals. Our team maintains relationships with key media contacts to place curated content on specific online publications. 

Improve your brand’s reputation 

As an estate agent, your brand reputation is everything as with such a big investment, your customers need to feel like they trust you. Digital PR techniques mean that your potential customers will not only see your brand in more places online, but they will also associate you with these high-authority sites. 

This is a significant advantage because improving your brand's reputation and identity allows you to engage with your target audience, which builds customer loyalty, and this will ultimately increase conversions and sales.

Easily measure success

One of the greatest advantages of using digital PR over traditional methods is that its success can be easily measured with a number of metrics, allowing you to make effective data-driven decisions quickly. These digital PR metrics are easily tracked, and reveal which strategies work and which ones do not deliver the right amount of results.

We don’t wait until after the campaign has ended to measure the success either - by collecting data and monitoring results in real-time, we can quickly correct and adjust your strategy based on the activity that’s occurring. This means that we can nip any problems that arise in the bud before they become too complex. 


Digital PR services to boost your estate agent brand


On-site campaign assets

Sending out press releases without any site links or pitching a story when there is no on-site content to link to are proven ways to miss out on digital gains from your PR efforts. On-site campaign assets increase the likelihood of publications providing backlinks because they:

▪️ Provide website owners and journalists with a page to link to for crediting the study.

▪️ Provide value to website readers by providing them with a place they can find out more information on what they are reading.

▪️ Can be optimised to appear organically in the SERP for certain search terms and therefore used as a reference for years to come for certain statistics, tips or commentary.

So, working according to their budget, we add value to our clients' websites by producing on-site assets such as blogs, videos, and interactive sites. These assets will be built on a foundation of data, content marketing and SEO. 

Essential link-building campaigns

Link-building is often regarded as the main focus of digital PR, but it does not come without its difficulties. High-ranking websites, the national and international press, and many niche publications will not link to your site without a reason, only for a great news story. If you want desirable link sources, you must create content that encourages journalists to cover it and provide backlinks. 

Reboot will research and come up with fascinating campaigns, outreach them to relevant publications and secure the links your brand needs. 

Specific inner-page campaigns

If you want to drive traffic to a page on your site, backlinks to inner pages will help. These internal pages, such as individual category or product pages, have traditionally been difficult to build backlinks for, and so it’s unlikely many of your competitors will have links going directly to and giving authority to other pages on their site. 

Thanks to our team of expert digital PR specialists, we can get links to any specific pages you want to target. We’ll experiment with anchor texts and different publications to build a catalogue of links to these inner pages, making sure we monitor the results to see what works and what doesn’t. 

Data-driven projects

Every campaign is based on research from our experiments and studies, ensuring that our content is attractive to journalists. By providing this exclusive data, we make our campaigns intriguing and impossible to refuse. 

Our in-house data team will be able to access raw data and offer journalists exclusive insights for any proposal we pitch for your property brand. We can meticulously scrape websites, build specialist in-house data libraries packed with findings and combine multiple sources to create a fresh angle. We carry out these various methods of data collection to ensure we’re bringing unique data that will provide you with a competitive advantage over other businesses. 

Our tried-and-true brainstorming, data collection, and outreach approaches have all played a role in our success. Campaigns filled with data tend to do very well within the property sector due to the fact they offer proven facts and helpful tips for anyone looking to buy or sell a house. 

International and localised campaigns

If you want to expand your company on a global level, then the option is there for you. This is one of the advantages of working with us at Reboot – we have the expertise to tailor your digital campaign to whichever scale is in line with your business goals and your marketing budget - whether you’re looking to stay local or have a quest for global dominance in your industry. 

It’s important to know that even if you haven't expanded into other countries, gaining international links is still beneficial from an SEO perspective. This is because an authoritative link is an authoritative link, whether it's from your home country or abroad - both will have a positive impact on your SERP rankings. As many estate agents operate mainly on a local scale, this will place you ahead of your competitors with your global range of backlinks, improving your chances of attracting new leads.  


Property campaigns built on data to secure high-authority links 

Our objective for every digital PR campaign is always the same: earn high-authority placements, increase their online exposure, brand reputation, and drive organic visitors to their site, thereby improving their rankings.

For a property client, we found the most googled interior design styles. From vintage to industrial, the data team was able to narrow down which styles people were most interested in, and searched the most. 

This piece was built on the concept of decorating your newly bought home or rejigging your property in order to get the most out of it when you sell. Both these topics are incredibly relevant to the client and the wider estate agent market which means we were able to directly target their chosen audience and introduce new customers to their brand. 

As a result of a foolproof outreach strategy and genuinely interesting results, this campaign achieved 27 pieces of coverage, including 24 follow links. It was featured in The Times and Marie Claire, as well as handpicked niche publications. 


View the links we’re earning for our clients right now


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