The Benefits of Working with a Digital PR Agency

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Like so many other industries, the professions of marketing and PR have become increasingly digitised. Though many companies continue to utilise traditional PR practices, there is no doubt that a strong online presence is crucial to the success of businesses in the modern age.

Though many people don’t know what digital PR agencies are, their importance to modern-day marketing cannot be denied. 

The world of digital PR comes with its own set of benefits and challenges. Although a well-executed digital PR campaign can help you grow your brand at unprecedented speed, the ever-changing nature of the internet requires businesses to remain constantly up-to-date with the latest best practices.

While in the past, companies could rely on the same tried and tested methods for their PR campaigns, the constantly evolving world of digital PR requires businesses to be more adaptable than ever before.   

Hiring a digital PR agency can be the perfect way to maximise your company’s online presence while removing the stress of managing your campaigns in-house. By employing a team of experts whose sole focus is the implementation of digital PR, you give your business the perfect opportunity to thrive online.

In this guide, we’ll cover some of the main benefits of working with a digital PR agency.


What is a Digital PR Agency?

So, first of all, what is a digital PR agency? A digital PR agency is a company that specialises in the practices required to boost your company’s online profile. While many businesses employ their own, in-house digital PR teams, working with an agency allows you to hand these often-complex processes over to a company whose primary focus is the implementation of Digital PR.

The main aspects of digital PR include:

● Gaining high-quality backlinks from websites and online platforms

● Writing online press releases

● Generating publicity online through campaigns

● Content Creation 

● Outreach 

● Networking with journalists, bloggers, and content writers

● Social media collaborations with influencers and marketers

Reboot Online is an agency that combines digital PR practices with other online marketing fundamentals like content writing and search engine optimisation (SEO) to maximise your online traffic.


Why is Digital PR Important?

For generations, businesses have relied upon successful PR techniques to boost their company profile and drive revenue. Digital PR is simply an evolution of these age-old principles to maintain their effectiveness in the internet age.

While many of the techniques may differ from traditional PR, the core objective remains the same: to raise brand awareness and cultivate a positive company image to potential customers.

With the internet more integral than ever in people’s day-to-day lives, a successful digital PR strategy can have a transformative impact on the success of your brand.  Here are some of the many benefits of digital PR: 


It can build a brands reputation

Although the inherent goal of Digital PR is to build links, sometimes coverage without backlinks can be a strong signal of trust, nonetheless, bolstering positive reinforcements to the reader. It means if anyone were to Google your brand, they should see useful, high-quality articles that are SEO driven in an organic way, indicating that your brand is a respected source of information for your given field.


It can increase website traffic

The more citations and backlinks, the greater the potential for website traffic. The more content that is found through a simple Google search or shared through social media, the more likely someone is to visit the site; with the potential to convert as a customer.


It can increase organic rankings and overall SEO performance

Although links are not the ONLY ranking factor, they are still incredibly important. If your content is published by leading sites, whilst establishing niche relevancy, your website will benefit with higher rankings; overall improving your site's SEO.


It generates leads

If you have a strong Digital PR strategy, your website will be featured on highly trusted and relevant websites. This alone can generate new leads for your business.


It can boost media relations

To truly succeed at Digital PR, you need strong media relations - building and nurturing relationships with journalists is incredibly important. If a journalist likes your work, you’ll leave them hungry for more, approaching you time after time for content. It's a win-win situation! Authority and trust go a long way in Digital PR!


Why Should I Work With a Digital PR Agency Instead of Employing an In-House Team?

While it’s possible to take on the challenges of digital PR in-house, they lack the same amount of benefits digital PR agencies can offer. These can have a profound impact on the success of your digital PR strategy.

Read more: Digital PR Agencies Vs Digital PR Consultants


Below, we’ll cover the main digital pr agency benefits:


Save Yourself Time

With so many different aspects to consider, managing your digital PR can be a time-consuming process. Unlike traditional PR, the ever-evolving digital landscape ensures that regular research, optimisation, and training is required just to keep up with the latest practices.

Working with a digital PR agency allows you to outsource these vital tasks to a team of experts, providing you with more time to focus on your core business goals.


Save Yourself Money

While it may be tempting to view hiring an in-house digital PR team as the more cost-effective option, the reality is not so cut and dry.

Though employing a team of PR specialists comes with less up-front fees, the payment of salaries combined with the cost of training required to keep up with the latest digital PR and SEO practices means that costs can quickly rack up.

By working with an agency, you hand over these responsibilities to a robust team with expertise in all facets of digital PR.  As a company entirely focussed on digital PR, agencies offer more resources than you can expect in-house and remove the mounting costs required to train and maintain your own staff.


Take Advantage of Industry Expertise

Most people working in digital PR tend to have earned their expertise in one particular field.

While your new employee may be an SEO agency expert, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they have a wealth of experience in content writing, for example. Even if you hire a small team with experience in all areas of digital PR, asking them to focus on so many aspects at the same time can spread your resources a little thin.

Agencies have teams of experts in every field related to digital PR. By having designated teams for SEO, content, graphics, outreach, and data, you can be sure that every aspect of your digital PR is being undertaken by a specialist within their particular field.

By having everyone focussed on the area in which they excel, digital PR agencies are set up to deliver the most well-rounded service for your business.


Cross-Sector Experience

The best digital PR agencies will have experience working with clients across a wide range of different industries. This means they’ve acquired years of knowledge in how to best apply the core principles of digital PR to suit a particular field.

By having a diverse back catalogue of clients, agencies can refer to previous work done with other similar clients to inform the most effective strategy possible for your business. By having industry experience in so many fields, agencies can tailor your PR strategy in order to maximise your results.

● Digital PR agencies like Reboot can utilise their previous industry experience in the following ways:

● Refer to their own case studies to demonstrate proven results for similar businesses

● Highlight target audiences and KPIs relevant to your industry

● Rely on previously sourced keyword research and competitor analysis

● Customise your PR strategies based on knowledge acquired from previous clients


How Much Does Hiring a Digital PR Agency Cost?

The cost of hiring a digital PR agency will depend both on the agency and the level of service you require. If, for example, you require a short-term influx of optimised content to boost your site's search ranking, then this will cost substantially less than someone who requires long-term handling of their company’s entire digital PR strategy. The cost and expectations of the work will all be outlined in your digital PR contract

By visiting the contact us section of Reboot’s site and selecting the services you are looking for, we’ll be able to provide you with a quote. Whatever services you require, our unique, data-driven approach is designed to maximise your return on investment.

Before hiring, ask any digital PR agency questions about their business and their ethics, to ensure they align with your own. You’ll also want to keep analysing your digital PR agency, to ensure they’re doing what they promised they could. 


Why Choose Reboot for my Digital PR Services?

The importance of Digital PR in the modern age is without question. Working with a reputable agency with expertise in all areas of digital PR gives the you best possible opportunity to build your brand online.

Reboot is a company with a proven track record in delivering successful results to businesses across an array of different industries. With our bespoke techniques, you can expect an array of digital pr agency benefits, including:

● An increased online presence achieved by media coverage and high-profile backlinks

● Improved search engine ranking thanks to our diverse SEO techniques

● Increased brand authority from our high calibre content writing and data sourcing

● Targeted PR campaigns designed to reach your core audience

● Easy to track campaign success via data and metrics

Visit our site today to learn more about our extensive digital PR, link building agency and SEO services.


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