What is a Digital PR Agency?

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As the digital age continues to transform the world of business, the importance of digital PR grows ever stronger.

Despite the undeniable importance of your brand’s online presence, a quick glance at the digital PR output (or lack thereof) of many companies leaves much to be desired. Failure to apply due planning, expertise, and creativity to this vital process can result in your company being lost in the shuffle as your rivals soar through the search engines.

It should come as no surprise, then, to find that many companies are outsourcing this vital aspect of their business to a team of expert professionals. A digital PR agency offers companies the chance to outsource their online PR strategy to a team who specialises in maximising their profile on the web.

In this guide, Reboot explains all you need to know about Digital PR agencies and why hiring one could transform your brand’s reputation online.


What is a Digital PR Agency?

You hire a digital PR agency when you want to outsource your online PR strategy. The best digital PR agencies have expertise in all the areas required to maximise your brand’s online presence.  

While traditional PR methods are still a vital component in the promotional strategy of many companies, a well-executed digital PR plan can be a game-changer for businesses looking to establish their brand online.

Digital PR agencies combine some of the tried and tested methods of traditional PR with innovative new processes that are vital to success in the internet age.  While many businesses employ their own in-house digital PR teams, hiring an agency allows you to hand these often-complex processes over to a company whose primary focus is the implementation of digital PR.

Read more: Digital PR Agencies Vs Digital PR Consultants

What are the main services offered by a digital PR agency?

Digital PR is essentially the umbrella term for the different tactics used to raise your brand’s profile online.   

The best digital PR agencies combine the content-enhancing practices of search engine optimisation (SEO) with traditional PR practices like contact building, sourcing publicity, and securing media coverage.

Below we’ll look at the main services offered by these agencies and explain why each one can be beneficial for your business.


Securing High-Quality Backlinks

A backlink (also called an inbound link) is a link on an external website that directs the visitor to a page on your site. 

By backlinking, the outside source has endorsed your company as someone who can provide added value to the information on their page. Securing trusted, high-quality backlinks from recognised platforms helps to increase your online traffic, while improving your brand image thanks to the association with a trusted platform.

Reboot Online is a digital PR agency with an array of bespoke techniques designed to source high-calibre, relevant backlinks for your business. While it’s common for organisations to seek placements in nationally recognised publications, we’ve also experimented with niche campaigns to get our clients featured in topically-relevant, authoritative publications.

With over 19 languages spoken across our culturally diverse team, we provide similar resources when it comes to securing international backlinks. Our ability to translate campaigns into target languages increases the potential for your business to secure overseas placements.


Online Campaigns

A digital PR campaign is a series of planned actions intended to raise your company’s profile online. Whether your aim is to increase website traffic, drive revenue, or establish brand authority, a well-executed campaign can be instrumental to achieving your goals.

The best digital PR campaigns combine traditional PR methods with digital marketing facets like content marketing and data acquisition, to create newsworthy stories that generate publicity for your business.

The most successful online campaigns are the ones that identify your target audience and cover on-trend topics that are relevant to this audience. By doing this, you’re ensuring that your campaign is covered by the right channels and provides maximum value to potential customers.

Reboot uses techniques such as newsjacking and reactive PR to align your brand with the hottest current events. By associating your company with newsworthy topics, we give you the best possible opportunity to generate media coverage and boost your brand’s exposure.


Content Creation

A great campaign idea is nothing without the high-quality content required to make it successful. The main areas of content creation for digital PR are: 

  • Content writing

  • Graphics

  • Data

  • SEO

All four of these practices are pivotal to the success of your online content.



Quality data is key to providing your content with the information required to make it newsworthy. By sourcing a rich collection of data, you have a greater opportunity to add more nuance, variety, and detail to your writing and graphics. Good data analysis can take numbers on a spreadsheet and turn them into news stories.

At Reboot, we don’t just collate data, we also create our own SEO experiments and studies. By using information taken from our bespoke studies, we can find unique news angles that have never been covered before.

With access to our own self-generated data (primary data), as well as data acquired from high-quality external sources (secondary data), we use our wealth of information to identify the engaging stories that journalists love to share.


Content Writing

As with any blog, article, or news story, great writing plays a key part in engaging your audience for a digital PR campaign. By producing informative, well-researched, and entertaining content, we showcase your brand in a positive light and increase the likelihood of the reader engaging with future campaigns.

The best digital PR agencies know the importance of great content writing. With our combination of bespoke marketing techniques and high-calibre copy, you’ll be sure to find your customers coming back for more.



As with writing, graphics and visuals play a pivotal role in audience engagement.  A snappy graphic can be the perfect way to bring your data to life while further enhancing your written content. The importance of imagery is backed up by data, with a report from Xerox finding coloured graphics can increase your readership by 80%.



Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is key to ensuring your content is seen by as many relevant people as possible. SEO is the practice of optimising your content to achieve the best possible ranking in search engines. If done correctly, then SEO will ensure your content finds its way to your target audience.

Reboot has specialised teams for data, content writing, graphics, and SEO. By having designated teams for each process, you can be sure that your digital PR campaign is being handled with expertise every step of the way.



Just like in conventional PR, outreach is key to ensuring that both your site and your digital PR campaigns get noticed. Outreach is the practice of contacting journalists, bloggers, and online publications with the goal of securing coverage for a campaign.  

Building solid relationships with digital media entities can be mutually beneficial; while you provide them with the fresh stories they crave, they generate publicity for your business by publishing your content. 

The best digital PR agencies rely on a wide range of outreach techniques to ensure that your campaign receives maximum exposure. 

With an extensive back-catalogue of clients, Reboot has forged relationships with digital outlets in a variety of different industries to ensure we can provide our clients with the most relevant coverage possible.

Before hiring, you should ask your digital PR agency questions, to ensure their vision aligns with yours. You should also continually review your digital PR agency to make sure they are living up to your expectations. 

You should also ensure to run through your digital PR agency contract, and make sure the pricing of the digital PR agency is within your budget. 


Why hire a digital PR agency like Reboot?

The importance of digital PR to businesses in the modern day cannot be overstated. With an array of different processes required to form a successful strategy, managing your own digital PR can feel like a daunting experience. 

Even when employing your own in-house team, the number of different processes required means that you’ll often need to employ a sizable team if you are to maximise your online potential.  On top of this, the constantly evolving world of digital PR can require significant time and outlay just to keep up with the latest best practices. 

Reboot Online is a digital PR agency with expert teams in all the areas covered in this guide. By outsourcing your digital PR to a specialist company, you’ll provide your business with a best-in-class strategy, while eliminating the costs of employing and training in-house staff.

With our proven PR tactics, you can expect:

● An increased online presence from our targeted media coverage and quality backlinks

● Improved search engine visibility from our advanced SEO strategy

● Increased brand authority and publicity from our exceptional content writing

● Targeted PR campaigns that reach your audience

● Expert campaigns driven by data

Visit our site today to learn more about how SEO company Reboot’s range of digital PR services could help transform your online presence.



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