PR Services

Our PR Agency Earns Coverage You Will Brag About

Reboot helps B2C and B2B businesses grow with our brand-building PR services.

Discover how our public relations services will help you grow your brand now.


"At Reboot we are always looking for ways to maximise the coverage earned by our campaigns, and sometimes this may involve partnering with relevant influencers. For example, in our recent ‘Master of Mocktail’ campaign for The Gilchrist Collection we partnered with the legendary First Dates bartender Merlin Griffiths. This helped us earn coverage across incredibly relevant publications in the consumer media."

check Helena Maniglia, Head of
Digital PR, Reboot

Raise your brand profile with our PR campaigns. Our PR experts will help you:

  • check
    Increase brand awareness for your business.
  • check Raise your visibility with highly relevant audiences.
  • check Increase trust and credibility in your brand name through regular features in authoritative news sources.
  • check Increase the profiles of your C-suite through profiling opportunities.
  • check Showcase your brand's core values with well-placed news articles.
  • check Improve public perception of your brand through positive stories.
  • check Promote your brand as the expert voice in your field.
  • check Control the narrative of your business through tactical news stories.
  • check Solidify your business’ identity within the media and in relation to customers and stakeholders.
  • check Create third-party validation from well-known news sources.

What is Public Relations?

Public relations aims to increase the public perception of your business, making it more visible in the media, more recognisable to the public and improving credibility amongst prospective clients, customers and stakeholders.

We do this by placing well-positioned news stories, articles and profiles in trusted publications and media outlets that are suitable to your business.

By constructing a bespoke package of media materials we can ensure relevant eyes will be on your offerings and allow you to control the narrative of your business—no matter your industry.

Our Range of PR Services

We offer a range of PR services to ensure that our clients are getting featured wherever their customers and target stakeholders are spending their time. Below we have listed just some of the services that our PR agency offers to brands of all sizes.

Media Relations

Our impressive existing relationships with a wide array of media, from national newspapers to specialist B2B publications, give us an edge when securing coverage. We know when and how to outreach to the media to give your story the best chance of cutting through and success.

Broadcast Coordination

Dream of sitting on a daytime TV sofa, talking through everything your business has to offer? We have experience of coordinating TV and radio broadcast interviews on a national and regional level, managing producers and ensuring you get the most from broadcast.


Podcasts are a fantastic way to get your business message across to a targeted and engaged audience.

By working with well-chosen podcasts, a ready-made audience of listeners will be eager to hear your key messages in a natural and authentic delivery.

C-Suite Profiling

Profiling the movers and shakers in your business is a fantastic way to position your brand as a trusted voice in your industry.

Who’s better to talk about your company than you? At Reboot we have fantastic connections with authoritative trade titles so you rise above your competitors in important publications.

Our constant ‘on-the-ball’ approach to the news means we are quick to offer comment opportunities on your behalf to the national media, ensuring you have a share of voice when it counts.

Crisis Management

Unfortunately the old saying isn't true. Not all press is good press. At Reboot, we can help navigate the media landscape when the news agenda isn't so kind.

Offering expert advice, helping you to implement a strategy that is sure to stir you away from the storm in a way that stays authentic to your brand.

Whatever the threat, we can advise on the most effective response.


Events introduce both prospective clients and the media to your business offering on a personal level.

Each event is curated to our clients, showcasing the best of your brand’s personality and orchestrating the perfect meet-cute for those who attend.

Meeting your target audience in a relaxed setting is a great way to build a relationship with those who attend, whilst explaining what you have to offer in detail.

Social Media

With apps being the main way people consume news these days, we know a good social media strategy is essential for any PR campaign.

Alignment across platforms that broadcast your businesses tone-of-voice, build trust within your audience and secure your brand identity in your potential customer’s and client’s minds.

From Tiktok to Twitter (X), each platform is different and requires expertise to ensure algorithms, feeds and hashtags perform best for you.

As a PR company, we are always on the ball, with knowledge of the latest platforms and trends to offer you the best in social media consultation.


"One of our PR services that we see tremendous success with is C-suite profiling. We interview our clients as journalists would before drafting clear and succinct biographies highlighting their career milestones, expertise, and interesting life stories."

"Next, we connect with relevant journalists to get the client featured in sought after publications across national and niche press in a context that highlights exactly what they want themselves, their team and their business to be known for."

check Alexa Cobbold, Digital
PR Account Director, Reboot

Industries That Our PR Company Works In

At Reboot we have experience coordinating PR campaigns across a variety of industries, including:

  • check
  • check
  • check
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    Travel and Tourism
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    Financial Services
  • check
    Third Sector
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    Government Parties
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    Consumer Tech
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    B2B Tech
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  • check
    Fitness and Gyms

Ready to get your brand the attention it deserves? Find out more about our PR agency services.

Our PR Agency Process

We have tested and refined the way in which we run our PR services over many years, which means that we are able to plan and implement campaigns aligned with your main business goals. Below is an overview of our PR process.

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Identifying Your Goals

At Reboot, our starting point is always identifying what success looks like for you. Are you hoping your brand becomes the market leader in your field? Aiming to increase sales in a specific product line? Or would you like to increase your brand’s share of voice in your industry?

This goal then acts as the first step on a roadmap for our PR campaign.

Targeting The Right Audience

Once your goal has been established we identify who you want to speak to. Is it your customers or your shareholders? And if it is your customers, are these decision makers at prospective client companies or consumers starting to make their Christmas shopping list?

Once your target audience has been identified we can turn our attention to what media your business needs to be featured in order to reach them.

This is not a one size fits all. When appealing to B2B audiences there may be a business publication in your sector that acts as the voice of authority. If aiming to reach out to parents, we may need to target publications that have a large social media presence that your audience likes to scroll through at the school gates each day. .

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Get Creative

The final step of the roadmap to success is to hit it with an infusion of creativity.

Using our extensive awareness of media trends, ever changing social attitudes and knowledge of what’s going to make people stop and notice, Reboot is able to pull together an ingenious media strategy that incorporates creativity. All whilst leading you towards your goal.

We rely on tried and tested tactics to gain the media’s attention, from mailers and media meets to events and roadtables. Each strategy is unique to our clients needs and we have a tenacity to make your PR goals happen.

PR Agency FAQs

What is a PR service?

At Reboot, each PR service is unique to you and your business needs. We ensure your business gets in front of highly relevant eyes through the most effective means, whatever your roadmap.

What services do PR agencies provide?

PR spans a large area of marketing including:

  • check Media Relations
  • check Social Media
  • check Broadcast Co-Ordination
  • check C-Suit Profiling
  • check Podcasts
  • check Product Placement
  • check Reputation Management
  • check Crisis Management
  • check Events
  • check Internal Communications
  • check Brand Partnerships
  • check Celebrity Endorsement
  • check Product And Service Launches

The best PR companies will offer many different PR services, and they will pick and choose the right ones to build the best strategy for you and your business goals.

How much do PR companies charge?

A good PR plan can always be scaled up or down depending on what budget is available. At Reboot we take a look at your needs and work on a proposal that both addresses them and stays within your budget.

How does a PR company measure success?

Depending on your goals, a successful PR campaign will take many forms. Has a profile in a key B2B journal helped you secure funding, or has a product featured in national newspaper’s giftguide seen a spike in sales on your website? We will continue to have your targets in mind when planning for and carrying out your campaign.

At Reboot, we use a variety of social listening tools to take the temperature of your brand image and awareness. We typically do this at the start of a campaign and at the end to compare, giving us an idea of how traditional PR has had an impact on your business.

What is the difference between PR and Digital PR?

Traditional PR and digital PR work hand in hand. Where, however, we see digital PR focus on campaigns that promote SEO value, traditional PR focuses more instead on brand awareness.

Traditional PR focuses on how your brand is perceived by the public, your customers and shareholders, using the media to mould the image you want.

Who needs PR services?

Every industry can benefit from working with a PR agency, whether they are aiming to modernise their brand perception, increase their brand awareness or want to introduce a new product or service to a relevant audience.

Reboot excels at identifying your needs and takes pride in delivering the perfect PR campaign for your business.

How is PR different from marketing?

PR is a specific subset of marketing which aims to change, improve or introduce a public opinion of your company, using organic methods rather than paid media channels. This is not to say that a tailored PR strategy won’t compliment the work of your chosen SEO agency or digital PR company, only that the agreed KPIs, objectives, and methods used might differ.

Are PR firms worth the money?

PR is a versatile service that is truly personalised to your brand needs.

These days your audience is more media savvy than ever, meaning paid options aren't always enough for the public to form a perception of you and your brand.

A PR agency can help your business develop its identity naturally, allowing the public, prospective customers and shareholders to form positive opinions through a personalised roadmap. For this reason alone, PR services are worth the investment.

Is a PR company worth it for a small business?

Small businesses are often under the perception that PR isn't for them, however at Reboot we aim to carve out a voice for you within highly relevant and authoritative media, so you hold your own against the big hitters. If you are a small business looking to position yourself as the next leader in your industry, a PR company can help you do just that.

Want to find out more about how Reboot’s traditional PR services can help see your brand awareness grow, with a strategic plan personal to your business needs?